Actual Size

Changes the scale factor so that the DVI page is displayed as near as possible to its actual size. The top left corner of the view window will still show the same page location, unless shifting is necessary to keep within the scrolling limits. This item is disabled if the view window is closed or already displaying the page at its actual size. The scale factor is actually set to the nearest integer equal to the viewing resolution divided by the Mac screen resolution. A likely calculation is 300/72 = 4.17, so the scale factor is set to 4. Because of this approximation, a 3 in wide rule in your TEX input file won't appear exactly 3 in wide in the view window. If this is a serious problem then switch to a configuration file that sets the viewing resolution to some multiple of the screen resolution; you'll also need a matching set of PK files. Note that 360 = 72×5.